Welcome to
Francini Estes Coaching
I'm so glad you found us!
I'm a Christian mom life coach for all mothers, including those of children with autism and special needs.
Are you tired of feeling like a bad mom?
Here you will find tools to feel better so you can take better care of yourself and your children.
Um método inovador para transformar a sua vida
Conheça Academia Mental -
Autodesigner de Ginásio
What is Mom Mental Gym?
Mom Mental Gym is an online membership gym for Christian moms who know they have great potential but are stuck and unable to show as the mother they want.
Where you come to get mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually fit.
You will also get to know other moms going through similar struggles. After all, we could all use more love and support.
Inside Mom Mental Gym
Not Sure If Coaching is for you...
Do you sometimes feel...
Emotionally Exhausted?
Stuck in a rut?
Stretched too thin?
This is for You!
I've been there, and I still go through seasons of it.
That is one of the reasons I can help you.
I understand.
Parenting a child with special needs can be
lonely, but it doesn't have to be. I'm here for you.
Você pode ajudar a:

Identificar quem realmente é, ea aumentar sua auto-estima.
Criar mais tempo para despender consigo mesmo sem prejudicar o tempo com sua mesma famÃlia.
Melhorar o relacionamento com a mesma e com outros a sua volta.
Amar a si mesma e ao seu corpo buscando saúde fÃsica, mental, emocional e espiritual.
Oi, Meu nome é Francini
Coach Pessoal e de Emagrecimento Certificada
Eu sou apaixonada pela vida! Gosto de dançar, cantar, ler, assistir documentários e séries de Drama do PerÃodo Romântico, comer chocolate amargo e dançar com a famÃlia e amigos. Adoro caminhar na praia e sentir a areia na ponta dos pés e a brisa do verão no rosto. A empolgação das crianças na noite de Natal, suas risadas de canela contagiantes e cheiro aquecem meu coração.
Sou mãe adotiva de três filhos incrÃveis. Eles são a luz da minha vida. Tenho paixão por ajudar outras mães a cuidarem de si mesmas e viverem a vida que sonharam ter.
Minhas necessidades de educação de filhos com necessidades especiais, treinando-me a educar os meus filhos com experiências especiais, treinando-me a educar os meus filhos e ajudando-os a viverem mais deliberadamente humanos.

O que meus clientes dizem sobre mim

Ingrid, Business Owner,
Mother of 3 Children
Francini really gets to the root cause of your issue by asking powerful questions. She is excellent at uncovering what is holding you back and helping you develop a strategy to reach your goal.
I'm a mum of three young kids, and I had so many shoulds I couldn't see what I truly wanted anymore. Francini helped me figure out what my true goals are and to stop beating myself up about everything.
I am building a business as well as looking after three young children. Francini has helped me see that I can choose exactly how I want to show up in my business and as a mum. There is no either-or. I can do both, and I can do them how it suits me. Best of all, I now believe I am capable of doing it. I can do it, I can do it imperfectly, and I can have fun while doing it!
Francini is very compassionate, and her energy and humor are contagious! She believes in my infinite potential when I don't. I couldn't ask for a better coach. I cannot recommend her enough.
Jennifer (mom of neurodiverse children)
Doctor of Pharmacy
I completed 10 sessions with my Life Coach, Francini Estes, and it has been an uplifting, thought-provoking, and deeply rewarding experience.
Francini is warm, open, and caring. She is like an old friend who listens and also has a lot to say, and who is also very generous with her time. I worried I might fail to communicate my true thoughts about myself to Francini because that has been so difficult for me in the past with other people.
Once we started, I realized that I felt comfortable speaking up because of Francini’s warmth and compassion and her unhurried style. I noticed that, unlike a chatty pal, Francini asks difficult, pointed questions and waits patiently for answers, which trigger more difficult, pointed questions. Coaching with Francini is as serious or as light as I want to make it. I get out of it what I put into it, and she encourages me to do work outside of our sessions that serve to strengthen and reinforce our discussions. She never expects more of me than I can deliver, as she respects how busy life can be.
Francini specializes in helping parents with neurodiverse children, which made me feel less alone. We also talked about many other relationships and life circumstance issues as well. She was able to understand every situation I presented to her, and she always was available for questions and comments and gave support and encouragement all along the way. Her deeply compassionate approach made it easy to open up and talk about my struggles, doubts, and fears, and much was accomplished during our work together.

Dr. Christiane R. Woerner
California, USA
I am so grateful for the coaching efforts of Francini Estes. I've met with her in individual sessions as well as received her weekly e-mail messages. Both have helped me see issues I am struggling with and clarify my mindset. Francini has great wisdom and a love for each person she meets. Anyone who works with her will benefit from both. She is a wonderful coach for whatever project you need help with.
Dr. Christiane R. Woerner
California, USA