Mom Summer Survival Guide
5 Steps to have the best Summer yet with Your Children Go from dread to excitement and Fun!!!

What you will find in this guide:
How to stay calm when your child is losing it. (An EMOTION PLAN)
How to choose activities you and your children will enjoy based on your priorities and values. (An ACTION PLAN)
How to stay organized with meals, vacations, and summer camps.
10 Ideas For Summer Activities
Fun Summer reading for kids by age
Summer can be an excellent opportunity to teach children new skills they may not have time to focus on during the school year—here is a list of 10 skills you can consider teaching your children during the summer.
And much, much more.
The primary purpose of this guide is to give you tools that will allow you to feel good even when things don’t go as planned. I will teach you how to train your brain to be more intentional and in control of your feelings and actions, independent of what’s happening around you.
Let’s have fun and enjoy ourselves and our children this summer.
Go from dread to excitement and fun!